Schlagwort #International Law

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Venezuela withdraws personnel at Miami consulate

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US government show a plot by Venezuelan exiles with links to terrorism against the Chávez government


Democracy Now! 2012-01-17 Tuesday

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Wikipedia, Reddit to Shut Down Sites Wednesday to Protest Proposed Stop Online Piracy Act

Guerrilla assault on Iran well underway

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Applying even more pressure to the country, Europe may ban Iranian oil imports by the end of the month

The NDAA – Just one more link in the chain of tyranny

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Each year, the United States Department of Defense budget and expenditures are approved by Congress, which must pass a National Defense Authorization Act in order to fund the DoD – by James Corbett (Global Research TV)

Palästina - Mauer des zionistischen Regimes

Israel: Another apartheid South Africa?

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It also demanded all states to cooperate to bring to an end the illegal situation arising from Israel’s practices of apartheid and persecution

CrossTalk: Pentagon Under the Knife

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If the US finds a new peg to go to war, will the military find ways to wind back the cuts?

Dr. Martin Luther King

SPECIAL: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in His Own Words

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Dr. King was also a fierce critic of U.S. foreign policy and the Vietnam War

Afghanistan: Death and Dishonour – US marine urinating video exposes daily

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Glaser also believes that, despite promises from the US government, there is virtually no chance that a proper investigation into the incident will be carried out

USA: Obama contradicts laws with promises

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PressTV has conducted an interview with Paul Wolf, human rights & international lawyer


Democracy Now! 2012-01-10 Tuesday

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Guantánamo Detainees Launch Hunger Strike to Protest Prison’s 10th Anniversary Detainees at the U.S. military base at…

Palestine: Riyad Mansour addressed the media

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Riyad Mansour was addressing the media after meeting with the President of the Security Council about their plans for an open debate on the region later this month

US military mortuary scandal

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This has created additional heartache for the families of dead soldiers and Marines who died fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq

Atomic Games: Nuclear hide’n'seek in Iran

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Patrick Henningsen, associate editor for Info-wars website, talks to RT suggesting that the current situation in Iran is a new wave of power politics

Irans Trumpf in Gefahr: Ölpipeline an Strasse von Hormus vorbei im Juni fertig

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Der Chef der iranischen Marine, Konteradmiral Habibulah Sayari, teilte seinerseits mit, die Militärs seien in der Lage, die Strasse zu sperren

Strait of Hormuz powder keg: US-Israel to meet Great Prophet?

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RT’s Paula Slier, who’s in Jerusalem, quotes Israeli military as saying this would be the biggest military games ever

USA presence fuels tensions in Persian Gulf

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Iran’s Army Commander has warned the US against returning its aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf

Iran Marine

Escobar: USA, Iran … 2012 will be hardcore

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Pepe Escobar, Asia Times correspondent told RT the year 2012 would be a hardcore one, mainly because of the US-Iran tensions

media manipulates world

Faking It: How the Media Manipulates the World into War

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The media has in fact been central to increasing tensions and preparing the public to expect a military confrontation – by James Corbett

Big Brother Cab: Taxi CCTV to spy on passengers

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Authorities in the British city plan to install an audio and video surveillance system in every cab by 2015

Iowa & Pakistan-Double Standards

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Also on the show; Donald Trump pulls out of Republican presidential debate