M ay 16 marks a dark milestone in the history of the world’s most maligned prison – 100 days of a mass hunger strike at Guantánamo Bay. Out of 166 inmates – 130 are on strike according to prisoners, while the military only admits to 102.
At least a third of them are being force fed – a procedure recognized by various medical organizations as painful enough to constitute torture. And by all accounts – there’s no end in sight to the protest.
100 Days of Guantánamo Hunger Strike: Special Coverage
RT discusses the stand-off with former Guantánamo detainee Moazzam Begg, who’s now the Director of the Cageprisoners activist group, Attorney Pardiss Kebriaei, the legal representative of 8 Guantánamo detainees, military attorney Lt. Col Barry Wingard on the line from the detention camp, and Col. Morris Davis, former Chief Prosecutor for the Terrorism Trials at Guantánamo Bay.
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