U .S. army whistleblower Bradley Manning could get 20 years in prison for what he describes as an attempt to reveal ‘the bloodlust’ and disregard for human life in the American military.
Manning pleaded guilty to 10 lesser charges out of 22 he’s facing for the biggest leak of state secrets in U.S. history.
Truth on Trial: Manning did amazing service to people
Former MI5 agent Annie Machon says Manning has done the people a great service, at least to those who struggled to reveal the truth behind U.S. helicopter attacks in Iraq.
Manning: I didn’t aid enemy; cables show need for diplomatic transparency
Military whistleblower Bradley Manning has pleaded guilty to 10 out of 22 charges against him. He admitted to leaking the US state secrets to Wikileaks, but denied ‘aiding the enemy’ – the charge that could lead him to life in jail.
Video: Collateral Murder – Wikileaks – Iraq
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