Schlagwort #Imperial War

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Syrian Split: Rebels want foreign boots on ground, observers out

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The authorities say they are fighting extremist armed groups operating in the country

Horst-Eberhard Richter verstorben

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IPPNW trauert um den Mitbegründer der deutschen Sektion

USA Iraq pullout-News Analysis

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Most Iraqis don’t have to wait for history to tell them that this war has left a devastating effect on their country

RT crew caught in rubber bullet and tear gas attack

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The attack was caught on camera, as RT’s Zaid Abu Shamaa had been preparing for a live cross with the studio in Moscow

Homes of War: Israel settlements set Palestine on fire

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Palestinian leaders say peace negotiations are impossible without a settlement freeze


Democracy Now! 2011-12-19 Monday

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Bradley Manning Hearing: Alleged WikiLeaks Whistleblower in Military Court, 19 Months After Arrest

Accusing Iran of 9/11 echoes Iraq scenario

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Analysts say it’s nothing but a cover-up, with Iran as a convenient fall guy

RT CrossTalk Bradley Manning´s Trials

CrossTalk: Bradley Manning’s Trials

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Bradley Manning – a hero or a traitor? – CrossTalking with Seton Motley, Bob Meola and Jason Branum


Democracy Now! 2011-12-16 Friday

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U.S. Withdrawal from Iraq: “In Terms of Destroying Iraq, It’s ‘Mission Accomplished’” The U.S. military may…

West looks over Syria shoulder to Iran intervention

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Political analyst Chris Bambery says many countries want to take over and use the popular revolution in Syria

Indefinite Detention: Architecture of fascist state

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The military will be able to take custody of alleged terrorists virtually without question

Academi of War: Blackwater back in Iraq for a little greenback

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Profitable opportunity for the world’s most infamous mercenary company – Blackwater

US launched unnecessary war in Iraq

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Interview with Eugene Bird, former US diplomat

Man of Mass Destruction? – RT challenges Iraq War architect

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Richard Perle is considered one of the most controversial figures in US politics

Palästina ist nicht Israel

Palästina – Al Nakba

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Die Geschichte Palästinas und der Katastrophe (Nakba) durch die zionistische (israelische) Vertreibung und Besatzung

Der imperiale NATO-Krieg gegen Afghanistan eskaliert zunehmend die Situation der Zivilbevölkerung

Imperialer NATO-Krieg: Massaker an Zivilisten in Afghanistan nehmen zu

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Gleichgültigkeit der USA und der NATO gegenüber dem Schutz des Lebens von Zivilisten im Krieg in Afghanistan

Collateral Murder Wikileaks, Irak 2007

Das wahre Gesicht des Krieges gegen Irak – Video: US-Massaker an Reportern, Zivilisten und Helfern

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„Zündet sie alle an. Los, Feuer!“