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Assad to RT: I’m not Western puppet, I live and die in Syria

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Terrorism through proxies

RT CrossTalk: Mali Madness

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What interests do Western powers have in Africa?

CrossTalk: China vs Japan Islands Dispute

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Who do the islands rightfully belong to?

US Muslim world intervention bred hatred over decades

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America’s foreign policy has destabilised the region

Mass arrests in New York City

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OWS movement marks one year

Death at Guantánamo: A place for ‘human beings with no rights’

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RT talks to Ryan Dawson, co-author of Why Peace

West adventure in Syria may backfire in face of the world by WW3

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Geopolitical researcher F. William Engdahl

CIA acquitted of killing and torturing prisoners

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Alison Weir from the US-based think-tank the Council for the National Interest

Rachel Corrie verdict a clear example of Israel’s rights violations

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Zionist Justice

German Pussy Riot punishment worse than Russian?

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RT’s Peter Oliver takes up the story

Bahrain boiling but US will never allow democracy

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At least 50 people have been killed and many more detained

Assange lawyer: US drawing up case of unprecedented size & scale

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Prosecution for espionage after a massive leak of secret diplomatic and military files

Fighting for Enemy? Arabs serving in Israel army obligatory

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Those who sign up risk being labelled as traitors

Protesters outraged over police brutality in Anaheim, USA

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No Justice for Victims

The Julian Assange Show: Cypherpunks Uncut (p.2)

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Julian Assange (Wikileaks) on RT (Russia Today)

CrossTalk: Massacre Marketing

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With Itamar Rabinovich, Stephen Zunes and Sreeram Chaulia

The Julian Assange Show: Noam Chomsky & Tariq Ali

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Noam Chomsky and Tariq Ali, two prominent thinkers and this week’s guests on Julian Assange’s show on RT

Syria in ‘state of war’ as Iran issue stalls calls for talks

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RT’s Maria Finoshina is at the scene

The Julian Assange Show: Cypherpunks

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Julian Assange gets together with activists from the Cypherpunk movement

New generation of American Jews are no longer adopting reflexive support

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Norman Finkelstein: Waning Jewish-American Support for Israel Boosts Hope for Mideast Peace