A fter a prosecution which starkly showcased US government officials’ misplaced priorities when it comes to human rights, whistleblower and Nobel Peace Prize nominee Bradley Manning was sentenced to 35 years in prison.
The information that Bradley gave to the public exposed the unjust detainment of innocent people at Guantanamo Bay, shown us the true human cost of our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and changed journalism forever. There is no evidence that anyone died as a result of the leaked information.
Like Bradley Manning, we believe a healthy democracy requires public information. What price will future whistleblowers pay?
It’s time for President Obama to pardon Bradley, and focus on preventing human rights violations instead of punishing whistleblowers.
→ Sign our petition telling Obama to pardon Bradley Manning
mehr Nachrichten zum Thema #Bradley Manning
→ Bradley Manning schuldig gesprochen, 30.07.2013
→ Imperiale US-Justiz: Auftakt im Prozess gegen Bradley Manning, 04.06.2013
→ Court-martial trial for Bradley Manning over WikiLeaks, 03.06.2013
→ Bill Keller von der New York Times verunglimpft Bradley Manning, 28.03.2013
→ Bradley Manning fulfilled moral duty, conscience of US on trial, 14.03.2013
→ Truth on Trial: Manning did amazing service to people, 01.03.2013
→ Die Schandtat der Anklage gegen Bradley Manning wegen “Feindbegünstigung”, 11.01.2013
→ Wikileaks ruft Grossbritannien zur Einhaltung internationalen Rechts auf, 18.08.2012
→ Weak-a-Link: Manning trial warning for whistleblowers?, 23.02.2012
→ CrossTalk: Bradley Manning’s Trials, 17.12.2011
→ Wikileaks: Video US-Massaker an Reportern, Zivilisten und Helfern, 06.04.2010