Schlagwort #Empire

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Palestine: O-blah-blah-ma – US offers endless talks

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USA: settlement construction should not be a precondition for peace talks

Guantánamo black mark on US, absurd & lawless

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Detainees’ lawyers maintain it’s more than one hundred in hunger strike

Guantánamo hunger strike – Inmates cough blood, could go blind

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Military censorship makes it quite difficult to access any information

Bradley Manning fulfilled moral duty, conscience of US on trial

Bradley Manning fulfilled moral duty, conscience of US on trial

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Manning accuses the American army of not valuing human life

Porn Ban or Web Control?

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EU censorship a pretext to gag Internet

US trains Syrian rebels in Jordan?

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Military support from abroad is only deepening the Syrian crisis

Truth on Trial: Manning did amazing service to people

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Wikileaks whistleblower Bradley Manning could get 20 years in prison

Cyber Arms Race: US, China in full-scale web war?

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Washington makes its move in new-era cyber arms race

CrossTalk: Orwellian Skies

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Drones are flying in the skies

Big brother not only watching: New spy software can predict future

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Imperial total surveillance

USA: Globalizing Torture

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54 countries helped CIA to kidnap, detain & torture

Robot Wars? UK to test supersonic stealth drone ‘Taranis’

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Experts are nervous about the beginning of robot wars

CrossTalk: Unforgetting Iraq

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With Pepe Escobar, Sami Ramadani and Meir Javedanfar

Noam Chomsky: US, a top terrorist state

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USA would be recognized as a leading terrorist state if international law is applied

Shadow wars & no interventions – US plan for MidEast & Asia

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Destabilization of North Africa will only get worse

The Truthseeker: We Came, We Saw, He Died

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USA: Seek truth from facts

MEGA Kim Dotcom: I want to encrypt half of Internet

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Encrypt the Internet to end government surveillance

Paint It Black: FBI keeps Americans in dark about GPS tracking

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Civil liberties group asked the FBI

BAE Systems Taranis - industrielles Töten durch HighTech-Waffen

Interkontinentale Überschall-Drohne geht in Testphase

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Neueste Tarnkappen-Kampfdrohne der fünften Generation für Interkontinentalflüge

USA: Antifaschisten demonstrieren für Schliessung von Guantánamo

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Obamas Versprechen nur heisse Luft