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USA: settlement construction should not be a precondition for peace talks
Detainees’ lawyers maintain it’s more than one hundred in hunger strike
Military censorship makes it quite difficult to access any information
Manning accuses the American army of not valuing human life
EU censorship a pretext to gag Internet
Military support from abroad is only deepening the Syrian crisis
Wikileaks whistleblower Bradley Manning could get 20 years in prison
Washington makes its move in new-era cyber arms race
Drones are flying in the skies
Imperial total surveillance
54 countries helped CIA to kidnap, detain & torture
Experts are nervous about the beginning of robot wars
With Pepe Escobar, Sami Ramadani and Meir Javedanfar
USA would be recognized as a leading terrorist state if international law is applied
Destabilization of North Africa will only get worse
USA: Seek truth from facts
Encrypt the Internet to end government surveillance
Civil liberties group asked the FBI
Neueste Tarnkappen-Kampfdrohne der fünften Generation für Interkontinentalflüge
Obamas Versprechen nur heisse Luft