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WikiLeaks spokesperson Kristinn Hrafnsson
International Criminal Court (ICC) has ruled that Libya must extradite Gaddafi to The Hague
Nicaragua´s President Daniel Ortega: Snowden is welcome
Press briefing State Department spokeswoman
Largest strike in the camp’s 11-year history
We don’t need US Embassy in Bolivia
Political action against unconstitutional spying by the US government
Undergoing a full-scale military coup
Has Edward Snowden actually damaged US security?
Whistleblower Edward Snowden won’t be extradited, free to go anywhere
Edward Snowden is a whistleblower who told the public the important truth
It’s France where disenchantment with the EU is rising fastest
CrossTalking with Eric Draitser, Michael Hughes and Jason Pack
Factions of demonstrators attempted to get onto the grounds of the resort
Former CIA contractor Edward Snowden has carried out one of the biggest leaks in US history
Protesters continue to call for the resignation of Erdoğan
Judaism is not Zionism
High-profile Americans take to YouTube to back Nobel petition
US is anything but truthful or transparent
Has Barack Obama turned the US into a police state?