W ir wären nur “einige wenige Verrückte” liest man immer wieder bei antisemitisch-prozionistischen Schreiberlingen. Die Wahrheit sieht anders aus:
On June 9, 2013, tens of thousands of Orthodox Jews assembled on the streets of New York City to protest against the existence of the State of Israel, and to condemn it’s current evil decree to draft yeshiva students.
Tens of thousands Jews protesting the State of Israel in NYC
The mass demonstration took place in Federal Plaza Square in lower Manhattan, where a huge platform had been set up for several hundred rabbis and leaders of communities.
In front of the platform were seated hundreds of prominent and esteemed people, while the rest of the square was overcrowded with the tens of thousands participants.
mehr Nachrichten zum Thema
→ Satmar Rebbe spricht in Jerusalem gegen zionistische Wahlen, 21.01.2013
→ DOSSIER: Palästina . Zionismus