J ulian Assange has been holed up in Ecuador’s diplomatic mission for over 6 weeks now, seeking asylum. He denies the sex crime claims and believes they’re just a pretext to hand him over to the US There.
Assange lawyer: US drawing up case of unprecedented size & scale
He fears prosecution for espionage after a massive leak of secret diplomatic and military files. Assange’s lawyer, Jennifer Robinson, says America’s given no assurances that they’re not interested in prosecuting him – even though it could be done easily.
Renommierter spanischer Jurist Garzón verteidigt Assange (Wikileaks)
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→ The Julian Assange Show: Cypherpunks, 05.06.2012
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→ Julian Assange’s The World Tomorrow: Nabeel Rajab & Alaa Abd El-Fattah, 08.05.2012
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→ Julian Assange (Wikileaks) startet eigene TV-Sendung auf RT, 18.04.2012
→ Julian Assange’s „The World Tomorrow“ to premiere on RT, 14.04.2012
→ Wikileaks: Video US-Massaker an Reportern, Zivilisten und Helfern, 06.04.2010