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German government consultant Christoph R. Hörstel thinks that the West is trying to transplant its regime-change strategy from Libya to Syria
US politicians are starting to put pressure on Washington
Is there any way to stop violence in the country without turning it into a new Libya or Iraq?
Anti-Syria campaign of violence and interference
Press TV reports on the latest news headlines from around the world
Syria is a strategic country in politics of the entire region
Syrian Activist Speaks Out from Hiding as Arab League Mission Fails to Slow Deadly Crackdown Syrian troops continue…
Sibel Edmonds, founder of the National Security Whistleblowers Coalition, says sanctions will only provoke violence in Syria
Press TV’s Mohammad Ali reports from Damascus
The authorities say they are fighting extremist armed groups operating in the country
Political analyst Chris Bambery says many countries want to take over and use the popular revolution in Syria
New fights have erupted in the northwest