Schlagwort #Syria

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The Truthseeker: Media staged Syria chem attack

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CIA caught infiltrating CNN and Operation Mockingbird is back

CrossTalk: al-Qaeda World

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CrossTalking with Daniel McAdams and Yoram Schweitzer

UN Security Council votes for Syria c-weapons resolution

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Resolution does not fall under Chapter 7 of the UN Charter

Russia slams US blame game over UN Syria chemical attack report

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Radical rebel factions are in possession of chemical weapons

Dramatic report as Syria Army battles jihadists in ancient Christian village

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RT’s Maria Finoshina made it to the village

Putin: Syria chemical arms handover will work only if US calls off strike

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Big step forward in resolving the Syrian crisis

Protesters across the world rally against military strike on Syria

Protesters across the world rally against military strike on Syria

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We say no war

Syria: ‘I didn’t join Navy to fight for Al-Qaeda’

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US servicemen against Syria strike

Rebels in Syria inspired by US-American actions

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Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov

CrossTalk: Syria – The Next Iraq?

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CrossTalking with Eric Draitser, Michael Hughes and Jason Pack

US trains Syrian rebels in Jordan?

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Military support from abroad is only deepening the Syrian crisis

Shadow wars & no interventions – US plan for MidEast & Asia

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Destabilization of North Africa will only get worse

NATO deploys missiles & troops on Syrian border

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NATO is actually now realizing who it’s supporting

Assad to RT: I’m not Western puppet, I live and die in Syria

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Terrorism through proxies

West adventure in Syria may backfire in face of the world by WW3

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Geopolitical researcher F. William Engdahl

CrossTalk: Massacre Marketing

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With Itamar Rabinovich, Stephen Zunes and Sreeram Chaulia

Syria in ‘state of war’ as Iran issue stalls calls for talks

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RT’s Maria Finoshina is at the scene

Julian Assange (Wikileaks) startet eigene TV-Sendung auf RT

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RT entwickelt sich zur führenden internationalen Nachrichtenquelle

Israel conspires to destabilize Syria

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PressTV has conducted an interview with Kevin Barrett, author and Islamic Studies expert from Madison

Arab states support for Syrian rebels pure terrorism

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Don Debar, US anti-war activist and journalist talks to RT