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CIA caught infiltrating CNN and Operation Mockingbird is back
CrossTalking with Daniel McAdams and Yoram Schweitzer
Resolution does not fall under Chapter 7 of the UN Charter
Radical rebel factions are in possession of chemical weapons
RT’s Maria Finoshina made it to the village
Big step forward in resolving the Syrian crisis
We say no war
US servicemen against Syria strike
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov
CrossTalking with Eric Draitser, Michael Hughes and Jason Pack
Military support from abroad is only deepening the Syrian crisis
Destabilization of North Africa will only get worse
NATO is actually now realizing who it’s supporting
Terrorism through proxies
Geopolitical researcher F. William Engdahl
With Itamar Rabinovich, Stephen Zunes and Sreeram Chaulia
RT’s Maria Finoshina is at the scene
RT entwickelt sich zur führenden internationalen Nachrichtenquelle
PressTV has conducted an interview with Kevin Barrett, author and Islamic Studies expert from Madison
Don Debar, US anti-war activist and journalist talks to RT