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Debate: Attacking Iran, AIPAC, Israel-Palestine and Barack Obama

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Tobin and Khalidi also debate the relationship between Iran and Syria

Barack Obama betrays Americans for Israel

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An interview with Sarah Marusek, political analyst

War-talk Games: Israel saber-rattles at Iran hoping for tougher sanctions

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Joshua Holland, an editor at the alternative news portal AlterNet talks to RT

Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss

Rabbis Aharon Cohen and Yisroel Dovid Weiss interviewed in Qatar

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Jews United Against Zionism

Bradley Manning – Wikileaks scandal, embarrassing for US

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PressTV has conducted an interview with Michael Maloof, former Pentagon official

CIA and Western media’s total fiasco in Syria

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German government consultant Christoph R. Hörstel thinks that the West is trying to transplant its regime-change strategy from Libya to Syria

ACTA targets and harms legal users

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ACTA has been heavily criticised by web freedom activists, sparking multiple protests across Europe

Weak-a-Link: Manning trial warning for whistleblowers?

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Bradley Manning faces 22 counts, for his alleged leaking of classified material to the website Wikileaks

Kalashnikov 5: new AK-12 rifle unveiled

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The Kalashnikov makers claim its has better range, increased fire dispersion, better ergonomics, usability and a potential for configuration changes

Open Seeds: Biopiracy and the Patenting of Life

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A handful of multinationals are attempting to use patents on life itself to monopolize the biosphere

U.S./NATO bombers massacre children in eastern Afghanistan

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The children were bombed not once but twice while they were herding sheep

Free Syrian Arms: US gives guns to Al-Qaeda protege

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US politicians are starting to put pressure on Washington

RT CrossTalk: Syrian Series

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Is there any way to stop violence in the country without turning it into a new Libya or Iraq?

SS = Scout Snipers: US Marines adopt Nazi goons emblem

SS = Scout Snipers: US Marines adopt Nazi goons emblem

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The Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) in Washington said it was outraged by the photograph

USA: No War on Iran – Demonstration at White House

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The spirited event was sponsored by the ANSWER Coalition

AlJazeera plots regime change in Syria

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Anti-Syria campaign of violence and interference

USA: Death made in America

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It’s not only in Afghanistan where deeply the uranium weapons have been used and local people increasingly affected

Beyond SOPA: The Past, Present and Future of Internet Censorship

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In recent weeks the general public has mobilized to face US legislative threats to Internet freedoms – by James Corbett

Anti-ACTA protest: Polish protests grow into anti-govt rage

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On January 26 Prime Minister Donald Tusk’s government signed the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement


Democracy Now! 2012-01-27 Friday

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Despite Salary Caps, Treasury Approved Lucrative Exec Payouts at Dozens of Bailed-Out Firms New York Daily News…