W ell over a year into the Arab Spring, the author and scholar Norman Finkelstein argues that there is a new, albeit quieter awakening happening here in the United States that could provide a major boost to the winds of change in the Middle East.
In his new book, „Knowing Too Much: Why the American Jewish Romance with Israel is Coming to an End“, Finkelstein contends that American Jewish support for the Israeli government is undergoing a major shift.
Norman Finkelstein: Waning Jewish-American Support for Israel Boosts Hope for Mideast Peace
After decades of staunch backing for Israel that began with the 1967 war through the 1982 invasion of Lebanon, to the repression of two Palestinian intifadas, Finkelstein says that a new generation of American Jews are no longer adopting reflexive support for the state that speaks in their name.
With this shift in American Jewish opinion, Finkelstein sees a new opportunity for achieving a just Middle East peace.
RF/Democracy Now!
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→ Norman G. Finkelstein: Knowing Too Much, 09.03.2012