Schlagwort #CIA

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100 Days of Guantánamo Hunger Strike

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There’s no end in sight to the protest

US-Regime spying on Associated Press

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Threat to the freedom of press

USA: Strafen für Unternehmen, die keine Daten liefern

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Totalüberwachung wird Schritt für Schritt perfektioniert

CIA-Agenten waren in den 1990er Jahren Regierungsberater in Moskau

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Bereicherung an der Privatisierung in Russland

Guantánamo: Torture & desperation with no end in sight

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Violent clashes with several inmates

Wurde Pablo Neruda durch das Pinochet-Regime ermordet?

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Exhumierung des chilenischen Literaturnobelpreisträgers

CrossTalk: Arrest Blair!

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Should politicians of all ranks be held accountable for their actions?

Zero Privacy? FBI to spy in real-time on web chats

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Imperial total surveillance

RT CrossTalk Bradley Manning´s Trials

Bill Keller von der New York Times verunglimpft Bradley Manning

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Aussagen eines Mannes, der sich völlig mit dem Staat identifiziert – von Naomi Spencer

Guantánamo black mark on US, absurd & lawless

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Detainees’ lawyers maintain it’s more than one hundred in hunger strike

Guantánamo hunger strike – Inmates cough blood, could go blind

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Military censorship makes it quite difficult to access any information

Venezuela: Maduro warnt vor CIA-Mordplot

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USA planen Destabilisierung des Landes

Bradley Manning fulfilled moral duty, conscience of US on trial

Bradley Manning fulfilled moral duty, conscience of US on trial

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Manning accuses the American army of not valuing human life

Truth on Trial: Manning did amazing service to people

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Wikileaks whistleblower Bradley Manning could get 20 years in prison

Cyber Arms Race: US, China in full-scale web war?

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Washington makes its move in new-era cyber arms race

CrossTalk: Orwellian Skies

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Drones are flying in the skies

Obamas wachsende Kill-Liste

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Als einheimische Extremisten werden alle zählen, die anderer Meinung sind als Washington – von Paul Craig Roberts

Big brother not only watching: New spy software can predict future

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Imperial total surveillance

USA: Globalizing Torture

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54 countries helped CIA to kidnap, detain & torture

CrossTalk: Unforgetting Iraq

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With Pepe Escobar, Sami Ramadani and Meir Javedanfar